Thursday, 30 August 2012


Months before his death, there were roars of insults and curses circulating around the social networks. It was as  if the late president of Malawi hadn’t done anything good for the Country. That he secured food for his people, it was quickly forgotten. Not that it surprised me much, for it is easy to remember the wrong that people do than the good they do
What shocked me was, in the midst of fuel and forex shortages, some people ended up comparing the Country to Sodom and Gomorrah. Really?! But just as they say, talk is cheap. Today the Country seems to be in worst “Sodom and Gomorrah”. Reports on different media cite that crime has accelerated like never before in the Malawian History. (You will agree with me that crime was one of the atrocities of Sodom n Gomorrah). I also hear there is scarcity of water. As for devaluation, don’t even make me go there, last holiday was something else. I come from town and life was tough, what more with those in the villages.
When new Government took over, the message that offered hope and encouraged many was the message of love and forgiveness. But what followed? Vengeance.  I have never understood why in Many African Countries; particularly mine, when Government changes, it means people losing jobs. The bible commands us love. It says Love is the greatest gift of all. Where there is love, God commands blessings. How do we possibly expect to have an economic breakthrough without love? When we see others being tortured such as losing a job, we celebrate. I wonder why??

Wednesday, 22 August 2012


TODAY’S WORD from Joel and Victoria
Anytime you set out to do something great in life, there will be critics. If you’re going to be a great businessperson, coach, student, leader or employee, there will be opposition. The more success you have, the more opportunities there will be for distractions. The higher you go, the more haters will come out. When you start stretching to a new level and pur...

suing what God has placed in your heart, the jealous people, the critical people, and the small-minded people come out of the woodwork and start making negative comments, but you don’t have to let that distract you.

If you are under pressure today, if the critical voices are coming against you, know that it’s because you are making a difference. Don’t let them throw you off course. Instead, dig your heels in, set your face like a flint, and say, “I will not get distracted. I will not get drawn into battles that don’t matter. It doesn’t matter what others think; it matters what God thinks!”

Today, look beyond the critics. Stand strong in adversity. Press forward to what lies ahead and win the prize of life that He has prepared for you!

Monday, 13 August 2012


There is so much that defines culture. Whatever attributes to one's culture,  whether it is  dress, food or dance, there is always that special thing that one can hold on to so dearly. Being a Ngoni, i must say one thing I am so proud of  is the dress code. The Ngoni dress code has for years remained very symbolic when it comes to culture. From head gear, animal skin wrapped around the body,  to  dangling beads around waists and ankles, it is a cultural sight worth looking at. Last holiday i had the opportunity of looking at this majestic sight of Ngoni wear...

Saturday, 11 August 2012

What a month it has been. The dream finally came true for Britain to host the most anticipated International Event, The Olympics. Some may say their opening ceremony wasnt so great, others may say it was wonderful. Whatever different perception people may have, the truth still remains Britain did it. It is a dream for any Country to host such a prestigious event. Obviously for the obvious reasons. Which Country doesnt want visitors to bring in Forex.

But well, as for us viewers, i must say, Olympics has never been this entertaining. I dont really know what it is. But it seems people from all sector of life have been a part of this. People who dont even like  sports have been noted talking greatly of this event. Should i say that maybe its the culture that has come along  with Social netwoerks? Whatever it is i must say, this new new media of facebook, twitter, blogs etc  is really  bridging the communication gap that hasnt been there the past decades.